Monday, October 10, 2016

An (Extremely) Informal Poll Regarding Our 2016 Presidential Candidates

     This last Friday, my warm-up for the first 5 minutes of class was "What do you think of the presidential candidates? Why do you think that? Use at least 3 complete sentences." Here are the results, transcribed by yours truly. For a selection of high schoolers, I feel like their responses accurately capture the concerns of many Americans. But what do I know?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 "There both retarted. Because there both crazy. They both have stupied ideas" This sentiment was pretty common - many of the students and people on my FB feed are disenchanted by both candidates.
 "I think that we don't have much of a election. We should have better people to pick from. I just think it's a waste of time" Again, not a fan of either candidate.
 "I think this year presidental candidates are the worst ever. We are screwed this year for president. Both Trump and Clinton shouldn't be president." ...and again.
"1. I think that Hililary Clinton will ruin the United States.
  2. I think that Hiliary Clinton will be too much emotional to rule the country.
  3. Donald Trump doesnt have a period so he dont get mad easy once a month."
First (and only) response I saw that detailed how Hillary's status as a woman will so clearly screw the United State.
 "I do not like Hillary. I love Donald Trump. I think he is going to do a good job if he keeps his mouth shut." ...but he can't keep his mouth shut??
"I think Hillary Clinton should win. Donald Trump is not the president I want to have. Hillary is planning to take guns and I dont argree with it but she better than Donald." This student is going with the lesser of 2 evils approach. I think there are a lot of people with this feeling as well
 "I think they are both not suitable for the job. They both make fools of themselves. However, it is fun to watch because they make fun of each other." Isn't this the sole reason anybody is still tuning in to the debate...?
 "I think they're both bad. One of them are racist (Trump). Hilary can't be trusted. Both are not good with people." I'm not sure how anyone who isn't good with people can become the nominee for their respective parties...?
 I don't like either of them. Hillary doesn't seem to be firm in what she believes and Donald is terrible towards women, pocs, disabled, in general trash, etc."
Doesn't like either of them, Trump is an asshole, etc. etc.
 "I do not like trump or hilary. I don't want neither one of them to win because they are both irresponsible." No love for either candidate yet again!
 "It's sad wha that The choices we have to choose from are ridiculous. They are both immature. Our country is screwed either way." Note: The student asked "Am I gonna get written up if I use the word 'screwed' in my answer?"
 "I'm not sure what I think. Not sure what I think because they aren't good. Half of my family aren't voting this year." The candidates are so bad they're driving voters away! :(
 "Terrible because they are bad people who are trying to ruin the world. All Trump wants to do is talk down on people. All Hillary wants to do is make herself look good." This "both candidates are shitty" theme is real real strong for this group....
 "I think we're screwed. Cause they are both bad people. Who ever wins the election is bad either way" You get the point if you've made it all the way down here. But there's a few gems if you keep going to the end!
 "I think we need to get new people. There are no right answers. I think they're both terrible"
 "They are both horrible. Trump is arrogant. Clinton is an email deleting liar"
 "I hope Trump looses b/c he has bad ideas and he is racist. Actually IDK anything about the election. :(" This kid's a real one. I don't know anything about the election yet (either), kid!
 "They are all garbage trash. I'm tired of only two parties. Third parties have no chance." Honestly, I don't know how old I was when the idea (finally) entered my mind that not every country in the world was governed in the same way and that some had more than two parties.
 "I think Trump will be elected. I think this because Clinton is a woman. Then again I do not know anything about politics"
 "I think no matter who win the world just won't be okay. Both candidnates aren't that good. But I think + hope Hillary win."
 "Our presidential candidates suck. I like Trump more than Hillary because she's an idiot. They should build that wall." Haha, taking the lesser of 2 evils went the other way this time. And this is the only mention of the wall I saw all day!
"I don't care about either! Personally, I feel like america should be single for a few years :). God for president #2k16. #MakeAmericagreatagain" Aaaand another answer to really reinforce the idea that these students are not having anything to do with either candidate! Punctuated with a great face and a couple hashtags. Excellent work.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

What It's Like Being Asian

     After writing my last post, somebody remarked to me that they had expected more anecdotes. It's not that I don't have any to share, but I'm also kind of reluctant to share. On one hand, I don't feel like they're worth sharing because I truly don't consider it a big deal - whenever someone says or does anything racist, I know it just reflects a lot more of their character than it does mine. On the other hand, I guess it's nice just to get it off my chest and get it on paper to look back on some time. Plus, y'know, sharing experiences and perspectives and all that good stuff. So, I've made the decision to share a couple examples of what I'm referring to when I write about being Asian. I'm describing one microaggression and one outright racist incident that, combined, have contributed to making me more conscious of my Asian-ness than ever. [Also, if you don't know the definition of the word microaggression: "indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group" (Oxford Dictionaries)]. There have been more than just 2 instances, but I feel like these 2 sum it up pretty nicely as far as my experiences go.
     At a professional development session for my school district, the math teachers got together for some planning. As part of the training, we did some ACT word problems. At some point, there was a word that the person running the session didn't know how to pronounce, so I read it for her. Just a few problems later, she was reading another word problem and then stopped and asked me how to pronounce something else. I hadn't really been paying attention, but I figured she'd just come across another long or difficult-to-pronounce word. My eyes darted through the word problem looking for anything that could be tricky - y'know how word processing doesn't take very long? Well in microseconds, I had looked the problem up and down and my eyes lit up on the only word she could be referring to - "Zhang," as in the name. The word problem involved car sales and the name of the person selling the cars was Zhang. Which she didn't know how to pronounce because she's not Asian. Which didn't know how to pronounce because I'm not whatever background you need to be to recognize it. Anyways, I give it my best shot and pronounce it "zang" ( any-fucking-body would, Asian or not). Immediately after I do, though, I look up and make eye contact with one of my friends to give each other the double-take, like did that really just happen? I laughed it off afterwards, but my take on the whole thing can be summed up with this photo:
     The part of me that doesn't feel bad at all thinks it was inevitable - Asian-looking name, ask the Asian guy. No-brainer, right? The irritable side thinks ... well, was it inevitable? If I'm reading and come across a name that's foreign to me, do I just gloss over it, knowing it's irrelevant to the problem? Probably, yeah. I mean at the end of the day, when things like that happen I'm just not really sure what to make of it. Does it hurt me? No, not really. It makes me feel unusual, sure, but I'm no stranger to that feeling, nor do I find it one to be particularly harmful. Someone with more tact than me could have probably found a way to turn it into a learning moment, but I just let it slide because I didn't really care. I'm not really tryna make waves and I don't know how to react otherwise, y'know? So yeah, that's it for that story.
     Another time, I was out playing some basketball with a couple roommates. A few young black men in their 20's rolled up to play with us, and one of them was being very aggressive. He kept calling me Jackie Chan and saying I was Chinese, then told me not to worry because he isn't racist. O...kay...? I didn't say much because I had just met the guy and... I mean, I teach high schoolers. The ignorance runs strong at school. So anyways, we proceed to play. Turns out he's from Akron, Ohio (where Lebron is from). This tidbit's important. Later on in the game, he decides to chuck the ball really far and has to run to go get it. He takes his sweet time, and we're waiting around for a long while. As he nears the court upon his return, someone on the court tells him to "Speed it up, Akron" (pronounced "ak-rin") and he's immediately fired up - "Did you just call me African?!"
     "No man, I said Akron!"
    "Oh okay, good. 'Cause I was gonna have to tackle you or something"
     Cue the eye rolls. This black guy spends the first 5 minutes on the court calling me Jackie Chan and referring to my Chinese background (which is wrong)... then gets upset at being called Akron (because he thinks he's being called African).
     So.... yeah. It's weird because this situation, while having everything to do with skin color, actually doesn't have anything to do with skin color. At least, that's not how I'm reading it. What it does involve, though, is ignorance, insensitivity and sensitivity alike. Ignorance on his part to assume I'm Chinese. Then the insensitivity on his part to single me out for my skin color. Then the sensitivity on his part to be offended for what he perceived to be getting singled out for his skin color. IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE. I didn't even care that he thought I was Chinese - I only cared when HE started caring about being called African. Like... what kinda ass backwards processes are going on in your head? Just recently you were being wildly aggressive about me being Jackie Chan, and now it hurts because you heard somebody call you African (which didn't even happen lol)? It boggles my mind how people could be like that: you assume something about someone else and still find the feelings to get upset when someone else does the same to you. This is not exclusive to race, but of any features. It eats at me because it boils down to a few things:
     - You made it this far through life without realizing that when you assume, you make an ass of u & me.
     - You feel the need to obnoxiously broadcast your assumptions
     - You are an overly sensitive baby back bitch. The world doesn't owe you shit!
     - You just don't have the good sense to shut your goddamn trap
     I say that last bullet because we all make assumptions - it's fine, that's exactly what your brain was made for. It stores information and remembers things for a reason. I'd be lying if I said I don't make assumptions all the time. However, just  have the sense to make the distinction between what you are assuming and what is real. And if you can't do that, then try not to be so loud about your ignorance. And if you can't do that, then it's probably a good opportunity to reevaluate yourself.
     At the end of the day, it's just weird to be singled out for my skin color. It doesn't bother me in the sense that I wish I weren't Asian or anything stupid like that. I just keep coming back to one adjective: weird. It's a complex thing and I don't have any expectations because I just expect these issues to go away with time. It's all solved with some decency and sense, but I'm not sure how to effectively bring that about. So...what do I or we (as a society) do? Who knows.
     When I first started this, I wrote that these weren't a big deal to me, and I stand by that. You can tell the two different events get me worked up to a certain degree, but even still... I just chalk them up to a couple of life experiences. I appreciate that Asians don't have it anything like minority groups who feel like their lives have been marginalized, but it also makes things more confusing. So the way I deal with the confusion? Just to always try and be a decent person, mostly. Because I'm pretty sure the concept of race isn't one we'll outgrow in our lifetime, unfortunately. Oh well - what can you do  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯?