Friday, June 15, 2018

On Indecision and Gun Control (Part 2: Potential Solutions)

     When I published my last piece about a week and a half ago, it was to bring attention to the issue of guns and call for action. I didn't throw out any policy suggestions, but I personally feel as if the issue still is not getting enough attention or inspiring serious action. In this post, I'll lay out a few proposals, and my take on them.
     Proposal #1: We don't need less guns - we need MORE guns. We need to encourage more people to undergo training to responsibly handle firearms. This way, we are increasing the number of "good guys" with a gun, further discouraging "bad guys."
     My opinion: The Secret Service, in the interest of maintaining the safety of Vice President Mike Pence, did NOT allow guns in when those men gave speeches at the NRA convention. Again: at an event designed to be the summit of good guys with guns, the Secret Service (some of the best in the biz @ protection) deemed that a bunch of good guys with guns was NOT sufficient "protection." Not only that, but these officials did not protest this policy. Let me spell it out for you: Mike Pence knows that having more guns in their vicinity makes an environment less conducive to living. I agree - more good guys with guns is not the answer (in my opinion).
     Proposal #2: Ban guns entirely.
     My opinion: I'm pretty okay with this. In 1996, Australia implemented stricter gun laws. The deadliest mass shooting (7 deaths) since then occurred in May, after 20+ years. 7 people died. This is NOT to say those were the only shooting deaths since 1996. Just to say that in that time frame (~21 years and a few months), the deadliest shooting was when 7 people died.
     Let's take a look at America. Within the past decade, there have been 13 mass shootings in America that have resulted in ~280 deaths and 1000+ injuries. The one that resulted in the least deaths still resulted in 10 deaths (2015). The worst resulted in 59 (2017).  So... our "safest" mass shooting in the last 10 years is worse than the worst mass shooting in Australia in the past 21 years. If that divide isn't enough to make it obvious to you, I truly don't know what to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I'll still try one more shot. Bringing it back to the Secret Service: when they want someone protected, they create gun-free zones (outside of themselves, obviously). How do you create a gun-free zone? Ban 'em entirely. & before you mention Prohibition: please don't fool yourself into thinking that that many people know how to make working firearms at home. If you don't believe me, just go ahead and list all the people that you know can make a gun at home.
     Proposal #3: Make the process to buy a gun more difficult. A few examples might be more stringent background checks, more required coursework, more safety testing, etc. etc.
     My opinion: While I definitely favor the outright ban, I know that a compromise leaves everyone unhappy. This way, you gun-lovers get to keep your guns (I lose), but you have to do it more deliberately (you lose). If you're of a more optimistic nature, you can read that as: you gun-lovers get to keep your guns (you win), but you have to do it more deliberately (I win). Whichever way you look at it, I'd support policy that entails greater restrictions for any gun sales/purchases hereafter while grandfathering in whatever gun possessions are in place. That way the change is gradual and there's not much room to argue (unless you're a scumbag who's not about that problem-solving life, but if you're good with the blood of innocents on your hands, that's on you).
     This is all just food for thought, but whatever you think, you should reach out to your representatives with policies that you would support, whatever they are. If you're interested on why I think the way I do, I linked relevant articles/Wikipedia pages that influence my thinking on this matter.

     Sources for my opinions:

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