Thursday, November 1, 2018

My 2018 Ballot

I just submitted my ballot earlier today. I wanted to share my vote because I think it's important to have an opinion and stand by it. The teachers union has a set of recommendations that they share, so for those votes, I just put a (U) by them for Union. Otherwise, I'll have a sentence or 2 on my thinking.

Gov: Gavin Newsom (U)
Lt. Gov: Ed Hernandez (U)
Sec. of State: Alex Padilla (U)
Controller: Betty Yee (U)
Treasurer: Fiona Ma (U)
Attorney General: Xavier Becerra (U)
Insurance Commish: Ricardo Lara (U)
State Board of Equalization: Malia Cohen (U)
US House of Reps: Ro Khanna - Same goes for Ro
State Senator: Bob Wieckowski (U)
State Assembly: Kansen Chu - Is there anyone in 95132 not voting for Kansen Chu...? This vote was seriously just a name recognition one.

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tony Thurmond (U)
ESUHSD School Board: Kristin Rivers, Frank Biehl, Manuel Herrera (U)
Berryessa USD School Board: Long Nguyen - He just had "Retired Engineer" going for him. I think public schools need a diverse set of board members and not just all former school teachers or similar. Sometimes you just need a fresh eye.
County Sherriff: John Hirokawa. Laurie Smith's been in for 20 years and seriously has no ringing endorsements. If someone worked a job for 20 years and their best quality is mediocrity, that's not saying much.

Prop 1-4: Yes; I'm just all about spending on things I like. The federal gov. already spends a ton of my taxes on things I don't believe in, I might as well authorize spending for things I can get behind.
Prop 5: No; I am for spending taxes, and to spend taxes we need taxes. All the wealth is tied up by old people, soooo I'm not tryna cut them any slack.
6: No; people who buy gas are using the roads. They are wearing down the roads. Those roads need repairing. Gas taxes repair those. Makes sense.
7: Yes; from what I've come to understand, shifting that hour back and forth causes unnecessary accidents/other bad things without even saving energy. So what the heck.
8: Yes; caps profits on dialysis centers and forces higher standards. It kills me that people seek to obscenely profit from others' maladies. It's just absolutely disgusting.
10: No; rent control doesn't help renters. Only building more housing does.
11: No; just gives breaks to corporations and not employees. Sucks.
12: Yes; just some PETA type stuff. Honestly not that invested in this measure.
A: Yes; taxes.
S: Yes; modifies procedures for city construction contracts. I think it opens up bidding?
T: Yes; funds emergency and disaster responses, infrastructure, and roads.
U: Yes; city council and mayor don't get to approve their own salaries. Duh??
V: Yes; funds housing. I'm young, poor, and need housing. Yes.

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