I think it's important to always remember, especially in the aftermath of the election and in light of the turbulence generated by the current administration, that every single politician represents a set of beliefs, mindsets, and ideas. To appreciate and follow through with the hype of the Sanders campaign requires an appreciation of the ideas that he never even got the chance to bring to the national forefront. I could rant about how the Democratic Party blew it and how anybody unhappy with Trump should lob a LOT of shade at the party leadership, but I digress. Instead, I wanted to publish the gist of some of his ideas. Each section is the title of a chapter in his book, but all the bullet points are my summary/understandings of what he writes.
1. Defeating Oligarchy
- End voter suppression laws
- Restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act in its entirety
- Restore the vote for convicted felons (of which there are 6mill+)
- Campaign finance reform
- Overturn Citizens United decision, 1976 Buckley v. Valeo, & 2014 McCutcheon v. FEC
- Pass legislation requiring wealthy individuals and corporations to disclose their donations/political spending
- $15 minimum wage
- Mandate paid family, medical, & sick leave
- Mandate 10 paid vacation days
- More severely punishing companies that engage in breaking pay equity laws
- Make it easier for workers to join unions
- Transparency regarding wages (passing a/the Paycheck Fairness Act)
- Creating a full-employment economy
- Rebuilding infrastructure
- Combating climate change (making everything energy-efficient)
- Building & updating housing
- Create a universal pre-K & childcare system
- Make high-quality broadband access available to all (the idea that internet is a right vs. a privilege)
- Offer more support for small businesses
- More medical personnel so that no population goes underserved
- Reforming Wall Street
- Breaking up the biggest banks
- Separating the functions of banks (personal banking vs. investment banking/insurance services)
- Putting an end to excessive speculation (which is just higher-stakes gambling beyond most people's imagination, from what I understand)
- Credit-agency reform
- Capping interest rates so the consumer doesn't just get bent over and taken for a ride
- Allow post offices to offer banking services (so that everyone can have access to banks)
- Tax reform
- Closing loopholes that allow corporations to pay less in taxes than they're supposed to
- Raising taxes on the wealthiest 2.1% of the population
- Making a progressive estate tax to reduce enduring wealth inequity
- Limit tax deductions for the wealthiest to 24 cents on the dollar
- Tax capital gains & corporate stock dividends just like they are normal income
5. Making Higher Education Affordable
6. Combating Climate Change
7. Real Criminal Justice Reform
8. Immigration Reform Now
9. Protecting Our Most Vulnerable
- Particularly: seniors, vets, the disabled, and Natives
- What we think is really influenced by what's broadcasted to us, and currently just 6 corporations control the majority of the communications that reach us. So, while I definitely wouldn't go so far as to say we're getting brainwashed, there's definitely just a small number of people that can and do filter the things that we are exposed to. This is a threat to democracy because they can create any narrative they want to (or freeze out a guy that would've been the people's president)
If you couldn't tell, I haven't read through the entire book, but the largest chapter (by far) is chapter 3. After that, every chapter just gets shorter and shorter. However, I covered a good deal of the things he writes on. Reason I wrote this post is so that more folks can get a good read on what drove his campaign. These are the issues he campaigned on, the same ones that drove what I think most of us would consider a "no-name" Senator almost all the way to the White House (except for fact that the Democratic establishment screwed him). So if you see these ideas and they resonate with you, remember that, as a result of his campaign, more and more folks are beginning to run with these issues in mind. & that you can start voting into office politicians who will give you their ear and address your concerns, as opposed to twiddling their thumbs and engaging in the fucking farce that currently dominates the landscape of American government.