Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Bucket List

"A goal is just a dream with a deadline" - or something like that. So, I thought I would take some time and set some explicit goals and attach the age in or by which I hope to accomplish them. I'm currently 25.

Own a home - 31
Fully pay off the home - 56
Run a marathon - 27
Teach somebody and their child - 55 (I'm giving myself 30 years... if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen)
Make the world a better place - continuous
Finally do a single goddamn muscleup - 26
Learn to cook (have 10 go-to, very different recipes down pat) - 29
Travel to a different country every year - Ideally, every year up until I have kids
Master 5 different magic tricks (they'll probably all be card-related) - 28
Learn to play an instrument - ...32?
Ride in a hot air balloon - 30
Scale a mountain - 35
Become a casino dealer - 60
Go on a weeks-long hike through the mountains - 30
See the Northern Lights - 40
Stay a few nights at the Grand Canyon - 45
Visit a different national park every other year - continuous
Learn to knit/crochet well enough to make a pair of socks or a blanket - 37
Road trip through the US - 48

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