Friday, May 12, 2017

Are Millenials THAT Bad?

     It's interesting that in the present day, we have so many digital platforms available to broadcast who we are - Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and all other social media. Thinking about the ways we put ourselves out there also got me thinking about what, exactly, we put out there. & although you'll find plenty of people who would tell you that millennials are selfish, entitled, and lazy, I don't think that's really the case.
     I'm not really sure how to measure these things, otherwise I would have just done a few quick searches, something like "selfish rate" for 1987, 1997, 2007, and 2017. In my mind, it's not that my generation is any more selfish than the last, it honestly might just be that it's much easier to flaunt it than it ever was before. Otherwise, all the issues that plague society that people like to pin on one age group? I'm pretty sure those are just natural tendencies that the majority of humanity has not outgrown quite yet (because it's clear, especially in America, that we haven't properly acclimated to an era of overabundance).
     That's my long way of saying - there is no generation gap in terms of attitudes and traits like being selfish, entitled, lazy, or whatever else you can think of. Instead, I'm pretty sure it's just shown more often than it used to be. Kinda like police brutality - there's one train of thought that it has only proliferated recently, and another train of thought that the prevalence of camera phones has just managed to capture these incidences more reliably.
     Regardless of whether there is a generation gap or not, though, I think it's fair to say that the majority of people are pretty selfish. So I put a list of things you could (should?) care about. Pick one, pick 3, heck take all of 'em and add your own - whatever you're into, there are SO MANY issues in OUR society that you can tackle! & this doesn't just go for the 20-somethings - these are issues that every citizen should be vested in, because whether or not you realize it, they DO have an impact on our (read: YOUR) quality of life.

Modern Slavery (international and domestic)
Wealth/income inequality
National Fitness (or lack thereof)
The military-industrial complex
The prison-industrial complex
Regulation of ANY industry you can think of (Energy, Banking, Fashion, Manufacturing, Technology, Media, the list goes on and on)
Climate change
Sustainable/responsible living

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